Monday, June 20, 2016

Word Assignment

Microsoft Office Word 2007 Activities
Activity 01
1.       Open a new blank Word document. Insert your name candidate number and center number in the footer section.
a.       Type the following paragraph on the document.

The Internet
The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to link several billion devices worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks of local to global scope, linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless, and optical networking technologies. The Internet carries an extensive range of information resources and services, such as the inter-linked hypertext documents and applications of the World Wide Web (WWW), the infrastructure to support email, and peer-to-peer networks for file sharing and telephony.


b.      Change the font size of the title into 16, font style bold and underlined. Align the title into center.
c.       Select the center alignment for the paragraph. Change the font to Times New Roman.
d.      Save the document as Introduction to the Internet.doc
2.       Open the word pad document Text.
a.       Copy two paragraphs and Paste it to the document Introduction to the Internet.
b.      The font size for all 3 paragraphs is 11 pts. Arrange the text alignment into Justify.
3.       Open the Images folder.
a.       Insert Internet1 image into the beginning of the first paragraph.
b.      Insert the Internet2 image into the end of the second paragraph.
c.       Insert Internet3 image into the middle of the third paragraph.
d.      Insert a picture border for Internet3 image.
4.       Type the following sentence at the end of the document
“The Internet connects entire world without any boundaries.”
a.       Change the font size into 14 pts.
b.      Select an informal type font as font face.
c.       Align the sentence into center.
5.       Save the modified document as Internet 2.doc
6.       Insert a page border. Make sure the document is fit to one side of an A4 size paper. Save the document.

Activity 02
1.       Open a new blank Word document. Insert your name candidate number and center number in the footer of the document.
a.       Insert a table with 4 columns and 6 rows.
b.      Insert the following details into the table.
                  World population
6.5 billion
6.9 billion
7.1 billion
Not using the Internet
Using the Internet
Users in the developing world
Users in the developed world

c.       Change the page orientation into landscape.
d.      Insert a suitable title for this document.
2.       This document is to be displayed in the school notice board.
a.       Modify the document to make it suitable to display on the notice board.
b.      Save the document as Internet Usage. Do not close the document.
Activity 03
1.       Open the Internet 2 document.
a.       Insert a new page in to this document.
b.      Move to the Internet 2 document. Make sure the entire document is visible. Take a screen shot of this document and close it.
c.       Paste the screen shot in to the 2nd page of Internet 2 document.
2.       Insert the page numbers into top right corner of the document.
3.       Resave the document.