Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Algorithm exercises - Grade 8

Develop an algorithm and draw a flowchart for following questions.

Q1. Find the sum of first 50 natural numbers(Numbers from 1 to 50). 

Q2. A company’s salesmen are selling toothpaste and tooth powder. The company having 50 salesmen gives 10% commission on the sale of toothpaste and 20% commission on tooth powder.Draw a flowchart to compute and print the total sale and the total commission for each salesman.

Q3. Draw the flowchart diagram for check a number is prime number or not.

Good Luck!



  1. Thank you for information teacher

  2. A company’s salesmen are selling toothpaste and tooth powder. The company having 50 salesmen gives 10% commission on the sale of toothpaste and 20% commission on tooth powder. Draw a flowchart to compute and print the total sale and the total commission for each salesman.
